Page 4 - 2020 Annual Report
P. 4

Gingerly, you picked yourself up and saw you only
                                                     had a few small scrapes. Truth be told, the blow
                                                     to your pride hurt worse than they did. You got
                                                     the bike back on its wheels, swung your leg over,
                                                     and started pedaling again. You were determined
                                                     to keep going. To the next house. The next street.
                                                     Around the block.

                                           At the Dekko Foundation,
                                           we think achieving

                                           economic freedom is a lot
                                           like learning to

                                           ride a bike.

                                                     The training wheels, the Big Wheel, and even the
                                                     tricycle — they all helped you build knowledge,
                                                     skills, and character that you applied to those first
                                                     unsteady attempts on the bike.

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