Page 13 - 2020 Annual Report
P. 13

Organization    Project Title      City         Amount    Together, we’re tracking:

           City of Kendallville  Indiana Youth Institute   Kendallville, IN  $640  School resource officers' increasing time to invest in the well-being
                           Conference 2019                           of all students.

           DeKalb County   Fourth-Grade       Butler, IN   $2,500    Students' increasing knowledge of, and appreciation for, Indiana
           Eastern Community   Wooden Statues                        history so that they can serve as positive role models to others.
           School District

           East Noble School   Jump-start to    Kendallville, IN  $3,000  Students' increasing performance, technical, and music reading skills
           Corporation     Sixth-Grade Band                          so that they are more confident musicians.

           Fort Wayne Ballet, Inc.  Rome City Elementary   Fort Wayne, IN  $2,500  Students' increasing self-confidence and personal responsibility so
                           Residency                                 that they can make good life choices.

           Grace College    On-location Lake and   Winona Lake, IN  $55,000  K-12 students' increasing education specific to Kosciusko County's
           & Seminary      Stream Education                          waterways so that they are equipped to make positive choices to
                           Experiences                               protect water quality in lakes and streams.

           Harold W. McMillen   Preventive Health   Fort Wayne, IN  $15,000  Students' increasing knowledge of their bodies and well-being
           Center for Health   Education                             so that they can make informed health decisions as they enter
           Education                                                 adolescence and adulthood.

           Impact 2818 Camp   Camper Scholarships  Wolcottville, IN  $3,000  Campers' increasing participation so that they can experience
           Lakewood                                                  meaningful peer and adult relationships, outdoor physical activities,
                                                                     and spiritual devotions.

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