Know anyone with 80’s hair?

You know you do.  “Big” doesn’t begin to describe it.


When it comes to hair there’s not much downside to being behind the times.  But when it comes to growing and developing kids, if you’re still doing what you did in the 80’s, then your kids will definitely benefit from a refresh!

We believe there are a few timeless and simple principles that sum up what children need to grow and develop.  But sometimes, as adults, we get fancy and start to interact with children in complicated ways.  Other times we go all flavor-of-the-month on them.  Sometimes we arrange children’s learning for short-term financial reasons.  Or, maybe worst of all, we teach and develop kids in ways that are simply for adult convenience.

At the Dekko Foundation we want to invest in the work of people and organizations that are willing to step back and consider what children need to grow and develop.  These humble and caring adults match up their organizational priorities with what the children need most.

Maybe you’ve heard us say this before, but we think that Great things happen when adults step back and consider what children need to grow and develop.  Stepping back to re-learn what children and teens need to thrive is the organizational equivalent of a brand new haircut.  Does your organization need one?